Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sepi ya…

Aku baru sadar, ternyata blog ini cukup sepi dari gambar-gambar. Untuk lebih memeriahkan suasana (halah), here are some pictures of our pleasure time…

Annora Bali Villas

Place where love is all around

Can i have the perfect dinner, please...

Not too big but it's okay...

Leyeh-leyeh nonton tivi

Then we'll move to The Harmony Hotel


As clean as it looks, i hope

Hehehe... And now, everyday is counting...


  1. @ dinda: yups...It's so damn beautiful..

    @ nita: lokasi pertama di Annora Seminyak. Kalo yang kedua sih cuma budget hotel. Lokasinya di Seminyak juga... Gw link blogmu yah bu...
